Bible Study

Bible Study

We are restarting Bible study on the first Thursday in November, please check our Facebook or Instagram for current links.

There are many ways to study the Bible, but something special happens when we find study partners and groups.  We find ourselves stretched to share the meaning which the text has opened for us.  We are challenged by the perspectives and insight of others.  We draw inspiration when we sense common understanding.  And, more often than not, we find passages that we must struggle with.

We don’t believe there is one correct way to interpret all of scripture, but we believe that scripture can reveal truth to us, no matter where we are on life’s journey.


Join us 8pm Thursday evenings on Zoom for adult bible study. Check our facebook page or email Rev. Jonny for details.



  1. Harriet Koscho

    We’re moving Bible study to Zoom due to coronavirus and social distancing. Our Bible study is appealing to seniors, and we are restarting it online after meeting on Sunday mornings for many years.

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