Olympic View Church

Olympic View Church

Community Church of the Brethren

Sunday Worship

Sermons 2024


Visit Us at the Harbor Room in Northaven Senior Living 11am Sundays

Northaven Senior Living
11045 8th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98125

Come in on the 8th Avenue side – it’s a controlled access building but ring the buzzer and tell them you are there for church! You may park in the lot behind the Green Lake Jewelry on Northgate Way.

Worship services are Sunday mornings at 11am. Services are also live-streamed on Facebook and Youtube. You may click here:

Olympic View Community Church – YouTube

Olympic View Community Church of the Brethren – Facebook

Check out our online sermons, watch our youtube channel here,  or support our ministry with a donation here.

Book group meets in our office which is at our old location on 5th Ave NE and NE 95th St. Come to the back door by the parking lot. Our Bible study is meeting by Zoom: check Facebook events or the calendar below for more details.


Olympic View Community Calendar




Have an idea for another way to be in community?  Contact the worship team at (206) 525-8900 or pastor@olympicchurch.org.  We are always looking for new ways to fellowship and explore our spirituality together!

Olympic View Community Church welcomes all of God’s children, regardless of identity, to participate fully in the life of our faith community.

Here at Olympic View…

We seek to bear witness to the radically transforming power of God’s love.

Toward that end…

We seek to build a community, grounded in love, whose members empower each other to extend that love to others.

We seek God’s wisdom, revealed in the living Word and the Spirit which speaks to us still.

We seek to be peacemakers by working for justice for all people.

We seek to harness our unique spiritual gifts, as individuals and as a body that our faith would make a difference in our city, our nation, and our world. What does it mean to have a cup that overflows? What does it mean to really show love through grace and mercy?

What we believe

Who are we? Though Olympic View Community Church has existed in Seattle for over 75 years, just knowing that does not help you know who... More... "What we believe"

Charitable Giving

Generous GivingThough we are a small church, we are generous in many ways. Whether it is giving money, or service, or supporting ministries through prayer,... More... "Charitable Giving"

Zoom Bible Study

Bible Study Thursday Nights at 8pm on Zoom Bible study starts with Chapter 1 of 2 Peter on February 13, 2025! Check Facebook or Instagram... More... "Zoom Bible Study"

Book Group 2024-2025

Book list for 2024-2025 Breakfast at Sally's Confessions of Saint Augustine - Translated by Sarah Ruden A gentleman in Moscow Revelation for the Rest of... More... "Book Group 2024-2025"

Thanksgiving Baskets 2024

 WE ARE GATHERING IN THE HARVEST! Here's how you can help! Donations of food or dollars - you can contribute online here: click "give as... More... "Thanksgiving Baskets 2024"

Interim Pastor Jonny Finlayson

Rev. Jonny Finlayson

Jonny grew up in Toronto, but has lived in Seattle with his wife and children since 2020. Jonny, who is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America, is thankful for this opportunity to serve OVCC in this season. He is passionate about preaching Christ from the Scriptures, but would also love to sit down over a coffee and hear your story! Jonny loves hockey, running, coffee, natural peanut butter, hanging out with his friends (especially his wife Lauren), and being mobbed by his kids at the end of a work day. He and his family love their Maple Leaf neighborhood and neighbors. Most of all, Jonny has been loved by God in Christ all his life, and wants to extend that love to others