The Church of the Brethren
Olympic View Community Church of the Brethren is, as our name states, both a community church and a Church of the Brethren. What does this mean? Olympic View serves a community of faithful from diverse traditions within the greater Seattle area, and is a church within the greater Church of the Brethren denomination.
The Church of the Brethren has a vital history and modern day presence among Christian denominations, including a longstanding commitment to peace and justice. Though the Brethren as a group have existed for over 300 years (2008 was our tercentennial anniversary), we subscribe to no formal creed. We simply try to do what Jesus did.
Whether worshiping, serving, learning, or celebrating, Brethren act in community. Together, we study the Bible to discern God’s will; we make decisions as a group, and each person’s voice matters.
During our traditional love feast we gather at the table of the Lord, and each summer at Annual Conference we convene as a denominational family. Because Jesus urged unity, Brethren work alongside other denominations, at home and school, in worldwide mission and outreach.
Our congregations welcome all who wish to share with us in another way of living: the way of Christian discipleship, life in community, fulfillment in service.
The Church of the Brethren consists of numerous districts. Olympic View Community Church is located within the Pacific Northwest District.
I had called in a few weeks ago related to my research on the architect Paul Hayden Kirk. I am curious if there might be anything in your archives related to the construction of the building.