All for One

Welcome to Olympic View Online Worship!


Intro/Prelude            My God is Real            Kenneth Morris, performed by church musician Annie Center


Welcome to online worship with Olympic View Community Church. We welcome all of God’s children to join us in bearing witness to the radically transforming power of God’s love.

Part of our tradition is sharing words of peace and welcome with each other when we gather. Since we can’t greet each other in person to pass the peace of Christ, let’s instead think of those we would like to offer peace, whether those in our church family, or others we can think of who would benefit from the sharing of peace today. Feel free to say their names aloud, to pray for peace for them, or simply think a peaceful thought for them silently. Let’s take a few moments to pass the peace to others from wherever we are, while we enjoy this musical interlude by Annie.


        My Faith Looks Up to Thee, Ray Palmer, performed by church pianist Annie Center


Let’s take a deep breath, quiet our minds and hearts, as we light a candle to represent the Spirit among us. Let us call ourselves to worship.

Call to Worship

Wherever you are ….
Whoever you are….
Whatever you’ve done….
Whenever you’re joining…
Christ calls us from north and south, east and west.
From the comfort of pyjamas,
or the busy-ness of the kitchen,
in the morning and in the evening,
the Spirit enables our praise.
Let us worship God.

Written by Teri Peterson 


Mysterious God,
You reveal yourself in Jesus, your Beloved Child
who gives us a glimpse your glory
and invites us to share in the unity of all that is Holy:
the holiness that is You, your creation,  your people,
united in the Spirit that breaks through all boundaries of fear and injustice.

Meet us here today, O Unity, and teach us to be one:
One in love for each other
One in understanding with all who find in Jesus the Way to You
One in peace with all who find other paths to your Truth.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus, whose fervent prayer was ever:
“May they all be one.” Amen

written by Rev. Susan A. Blain (adapted).

Our first scripture this morning is more from the first epistle of Peter. Listen to these words and reflect on what it means to struggle as the community of Christ today, and how we can model what that unity means to the world around us.

Epistle Reading       

1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11        CEV
Scripture Video          1 Peter 4:12 14, 5:6 11 Suffering For Being A Christian
by Douglas Brown

A Time of Prayer

So as we come to our normal time of sharing prayer together from a distance. From my conversations with some of you, I have included those concerns shared in our prayer today. If you have items you would like lifted in prayer, please leave a comment below, or email myself at, and I will make sure to include them next week, as well as send a prayer chain email, unless directed otherwise.

Joys and Concerns

We express joy in the progress and healing experienced by Betty DeBon with the wound on her ankle, and ask for continued healing and recovery.  

Let us also remember the young among us, whose frustration at not being able to spend time with friends is particularly stressful. Accordingly, let’s also remember their parents or caregivers with the difficulty of filling that role and trying to work through the stress with our youth, and give them the strength they need.

Let’s also remember those who are unable to visit in person with loved ones in care facilities, and the sadness that results.

Pastoral Prayer

O Lord Jesus Christ, who on the eve of your Passion prayed that all your disciples might be one, as you are in the Father, and the Father in you, grant that we may suffer keenly on account of the unfaithfulness of our disunity. Grant us the loyalty to recognize and the courage to reject all our hidden indifference and mistrust, and our mutual hostility.

Grant that the may find each other in you, so that from our hearts and from our lips may ceaselessly arise your prayer for the Unity of Christians, such as you willed and by the means that you willed. Grant that in you, who are perfect love, we may find the way that leads to Unity, in obedience to your love and to your truth.

just as you prayed for your disciples so long ago
Pray for us,
Pray for our wellbeing,
Pray for our protection.
Pray for your joy to be made complete in us.
Pray for our spiritual growth.
Pray for your truth to be made complete in us.

we often do not know how to pray,
So pray for us,
Pray with us,
That we may be one with you,
One with each other, and
One in ministry to the world.

Pray for your weak ones,
Your strong ones,
You ones who are have illnesses,
Your ones near death,
Your ones who breeze through life,
Your ones who struggle in life.

Pray for those who have lost loved ones in these troubled times,
Those who still grieve the loss of loved ones in past times.
And those whose loved ones currently struggle
with illness, with restrictions, with loneliness.

We join you in these prayers for all your people,

written by Rev. Abi, and posted on her Long and Winding Road blog. 

Gospel Reading

John 17:1-11 NIV

Gospel Video              clip fromThe Gospel of John  directed by Philip Saville, produced by Visual Bible International

Message    –       All for One


Call to Serve

Today we call upon you as Children of God
to share in the love and work of Jesus.
The author of the First Letter to Peter encourages us
to humble ourselves before God
so that we may be exalted by God on “the appointed day.”
Let us share in today’s offering with humble spirits and generous hearts.

As we continue to seek to be a source of light and love in times such as these, we ask that you give prayerful consideration as to how you may support our efforts. If you would like to make a donation, gifts can still be mailed to our church office, or online donations can be made here. Thanks again for all your support, and may we continue to work together to keep being a place of ministry and peace in these difficult days. As we listen to the following interlude `In Christ There is No East or West, let’s listen to the words and think how we can work to bring the world together, instead of driving it apart.

Reflection on the Word

       In Christ There Is No East or West    written by John Oxenham, posted to YouTube by Richard Harris

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Ever-present and loving God,
your Word tells us to cast our cares on you because you care for us.
In faith and trust we present these gifts, and ourselves, to you.
Bless and multiply them to meet the needs,
both hidden and apparent, of your beloved ones.
Inspire each of us to live as Christ’s witnesses,
today and ever more.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray. Amen.


God is on the move.
God is in our hearts.
God is by our side.
God is with us.
Know that God’s love enfolds you, and covers you, and is with you always.
You are God’s beloved child.
You are forgiven and restored.
Share the good news.
Share God’s love and forgiveness.

~ by Rev. Mindi at

As we extinguish this candle, may we keep its light alive, shining through our own lives, as we seek to find Jesus at work in the world around us.

Postlude           The Strife Is O’er           Francis Pott,     performed by church musician Annie Center

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