Doubtful Faith ~ April 19, 2020

Welcome to Olympic View Online!

Intro / Prelude – Nearer, My God, To Thee
written by Sarah Flower Adams, performed by church pianist Annie Center

Welcome Guests / Announcements

Pass the Peace/Interlude – Just As I Am, Without One Plea
written by Charlotte Elliot, performed by church pianist Annie Center

Think of those we would like to offer peace, whether those in our church family, or others we can think of who would benefit from the sharing of peace today. Feel free to say their names aloud, to pray for peace for them, or simply think a peaceful thought for them silently.  Let’s take a few moments to pass the peace to others from wherever we are.

Call to Worship

So we do not lose heart.
Even though our outer nature is wasting away,
Our inner nature is being renewed day by day.
For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us
Because we look at not what can be seen, but at what cannot be seen.
For what can be seen is temporary,
But what cannot be seen is eternal. 


Holy God, 
Nothing is beyond your power to transform!
In a gray dawn, you coax songs of Alleluia!
From the tombs of despair we take refuge in
You call us to wake up and work. 
We praise you for this amazing day! 
Come, Risen Christ, 
in newness and hope on this Eastertide morning. Amen. 

Psalm of the Day    Psalm 16    NRSV

Scripture Video –  Psalm 16 Song with LyricsNo Good Apart From You
 Jason Silver

Activity for Children

A Time of Prayer

So as we come to our normal time of sharing prayer together, we find ourselves sharing together from a distance. From my conversations with some of you, I have included those concerns shared in our prayer today. If you have items you would like lifted in prayer, please leave a comment below, or email myself or the church office and I will make sure to include them next week, as well as send an email, unless directed otherwise.

Holy One, we confess that it has been too much.
There is too much loss, too much fear, too much grief, too much despair.
There’s only so much we can handle and it is overwhelming us.
Help us, O God, to let go of the fear that holds us in its grip and instead cling to hope.
Help us, O God, to acknowledge our doubts, and yet to trust in You, to know that You are with us, and we are not alone.
Help us, O God, to have faith that this too shall come to pass.
Guide us in this time of uncertainty to focus on You, our Rock and our Redeemer. 

Impossible God, You make all things possible.
You make all things new.
You called forth light when Your Spirit hovered over the waters, and there was light.
You breathed into dirt and brought forth humanity.
You raised Christ from the tomb.
You continue to bring forth life out of death.
You raise flowers from the earth after the cold winter.
We know You will bring forth life again.
In this time, may we deepen our trust in You.
May we strengthen our faith in humanity that love can overcome fear and hate.
May we broaden our understanding of love to all who are in need.
May we rise from this time with lessons learned and strive to build a better society of kindness and caring.
May we remember those who are risking their lives to save lives,
and those who are keeping our society running and making it possible to have food and vital services.
May we do our part to ensure their health and safety,
now and in the time to come
by working for justice for all, for living wages for all, for healthcare for all.

Impossible God, may we learn that nothing is impossible with You.
We can change the world because of You.
We can love one another without hate because of You.
We can become a new creation because of You.
Remind us, teach us, and guide us.


Gospel Reading – John 20:19-31

Gospel Video – John 20  ALLAUDIO BIBLE

Message  – Rev. Glenn A. Brumbaugh

Call to Serve
Easter teaches us that generous love is at the heart of God’s work. Joyfully we are able to give knowing that our gifts will help others  to see the blessed miracle of God’s creative joy. If you’d like to support this ministry with your resources, offerings and tithes can still be mailed to the church office, or donations can be made online here. As we continue to be beacons of God’s grace in continuing to support our staff financially, and showing leniency to our tenants, we are stepping out in faith and relying on the grace of others. May you give prayerful consideration to how you can support our faith community in these difficult times. 

A Time for Reflection

Reflection on the Word – Give Us Your Peace    
    performed by Jesse Manibusan and Sarah Hart  on “The Commons” at, uploaded to YouTube by rfeduccia

The Prayer of Thanksgiving

Loving God, can a  generous prayer be lifted up to you this Eastertide? 
Can these gifts, given with love, 
be further transformed like echoes of grace, 
delighting all who receive their blessings? 
May it be so, through the surprising  power of your Holy Spirit, 
and may our lives speak of a loving God, 
full of Easter surprises. Amen.


Christ is the one who died on the cross, but also laid in the tomb of death for three days. Christ knows our fears, what it is like to feel trapped, what it is like to live without hope. And yet, Christ rose, and we will rise. Christ lives, and we live now and forever. Christ loves us, and calls us to love one another. Live into this hope by loving one another, and trusting that Christ is with us, through all things, and will see us through. Amen.

Postlude: – Lift High the Cross
              written by George Kitchin, performed by church pianist Annie Center 


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